July 2017
Don’t Dwell on the Scale
Have you ever jumped on a scale and been disappointed? Sometimes it is hard to avoid these feelings, but remember, this is just reactionary thinking. Take control of your thoughts. Don’t dwell on the scale. That number does not define you. It just is. If numbers on a scale start to get you down, revisit your WANT. Get deep […]
Habits of Doom
Your habits can make you fatter or thinner, smarter or dumber, better or worse. Most of the time, they are indifferent. Are your habits making you more efficient? Have you found any Cycles of Doom? If so, how will you change them? Stay Connected -Nomo
Yesterday’s blog, I WANT X, was about how saying you want something without having a purpose isn’t really a WANT. What if you do have a purpose? Should you ever stop wanting something? Yes and No. Yes, you can change your mind. You can change your health and fitness goals. As you grow and learn […]
If you say you WANT something but you don’t get it, do you really want it? Was it a dream, not a desire? Was it a wish without a purpose? Dreams and wishes are necessary and encouraged, but if they don’t turn into a desire or purpose, don’t give them your focus. Move on and […]