August 2017
The Symptom of Effective Action
Of all the concepts that make up the Recipe for Weight Loss Success, the one that people have the most difficulty wrapping their minds around is the concept of effective action. It Just Makes Sense Obviously, it makes sense to think about what you WANT to achieve. Even though people rarely do this, the concept […]
Don’t Eat That!
This is a phrase I will never say to you. Strange, isn’t it? A weight loss guy who doesn’t tell you what to eat and what not to eat. I have my opinions and I know what works best for me, but deep down I know that everyone has their own fuel and their own […]
Stuck in a Rut
Life has so many wonderful ways of telling you that it is time to make a change. When you get that “Stuck in a Rut” feeling, know that it is time to start thinking. What do you WANT? WHY? HOW can you achieve it? When you are stuck in a rut, find a way out.
Do What You WANT?
It is common to put off doing what you WANT. Flip this around. Take the time to do what you WANT. The things that need to get done will get done and you will have a lot of fun along the way.
Results Guaranteed
Only you can guarantee your results. The Recipe for Weight Loss Success works, but it is up to you to make the change you WANT in your life.
I Used to Be…
I used to be a burger and fries, tacos and chips, steak and potatoes kind of a guy, and I would wash it down with either Coke or beer. The Recipe for Weight Loss success helped me change not only what I eat and drink, but who I am. Now I am thin, fit, and healthy. It […]
Society does not require you to be thin and fit. You must require it of yourself. Society is not responsible for your health. You are the one who is responsible. Forget about society and take charge of your health. You can do this.
The Number on the Scale
It’s not the number on the scale that counts, it’s the thoughts and actions that got you there that make the difference. Take control of your thoughts and actions. The scale will follow.
Earn It
You don’t get what you need, you get what you deserve. Think – Act – Become – Thin, Fit, & Healthy You have to earn it.
A Message in a Bottle
Your thoughts control your feelings. Your feelings control your actions. You should remember that human beings have intuition. This doesn’t mean that people can read your mind, but they can detect your feelings and witness your actions. So, a thought becomes a message in a bottle through your feelings and actions. Take control of your thoughts and make all […]