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Melts in your mouth, not in your hand. – M&Ms As My Roller Coaster shows, during any given year I would typically be at my heaviest at or near the end of the calendar year. So, when New Years Day rolled around I would start dieting. (BTW, is it really a resolution if you do […]

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Fat Johnny Depp

Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom. – Thomas Jefferson 2003 Johnny Depp has been on top of the world since 2003. He was obviously an extremely successful actor before then but in 2003 Depp introduced the world to Captain Jack Sparrow and his popularity soared. Not only did he have a massive […]

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The Symptom of Effective Action

Of all the concepts that make up the Recipe for Weight Loss Success, the one that people have the most difficulty wrapping their minds around is the concept of effective action. It Just Makes Sense Obviously, it makes sense to think about what you WANT to achieve. Even though people rarely do this, the concept […]

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Real Change Starts on the Inside

Change your thoughts and you change your world. – Norman Vincent Peale From Fat to Thin to Fat Again I have tried soooo many diets… Weight Watchers Slim Fast Eat Nothing (Starvation) Low-Fat Low-Carb Avoid White Atkins Mediterranean Paleo/Primal Exercise a Lot ( Not really a diet, but I’ve tried it.) Changing a diet, or […]

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roller coaster

Am I Doomed to Repeat?

Mistakes:  Evidence of Failure or Opportunities to Learn? It is up to You. – Nomo How was it possible for me to discover I am overweight, and then go on to lose 306 pounds while gaining 341 over a 17 year period? Some would call it yo-yo dieting or label me a chronic dieter. I know […]

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How I Lost 306 Pounds

When a person who is overweight goes on a diet without altering their self-image… any weight loss will be temporary. – Bob Proctor   This is not a Success Story – Yet. January 1, 2000 The scale had been in the bathroom for a long time. I had used it off and on, but when […]

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