Know It
Know It – Show It – Believe It – Achieve It You can become Thin, Fit, and Healthy and the Recipe for Weight Loss Success is here to help.
Even the Lone Ranger had Tonto
… and Silver. Getting thin, fit, and healthy can seem like such a struggle. You will put in a lot of mental, physical, and emotional effort just in getting started, and this is well before you get what you WANT and achieve your goal. You can do this, and the Recipe for Weight Loss Success […]
Write It Down
Do you know what you WANT? If so, write it down. Do you know WHY you want it? If so, write it down. Do you know HOW you will get it? If so, write it down. Thinking is always the first and most important step to making a positive change in your life, but the […]
Question: What Will Happen If…
You know what you WANT and WHY you want it? You continue to remind yourself of your WANT and WHY? You have a belief in yourself and know that you will get what you WANT? You think about HOW you can get what you WANT? You put your HOW into action? You have faith that your […]
Speak Boldly
What do you WANT? WHY do you want it? If you can’t answer these questions, don’t expect any real and lasting change to take place in your life. On the other hand, if you can answer these questions and you know what you WANT and WHY you want it, Speak Boldly. Speak Boldly of your purpose. […]
Ups and Downs
Life is full of ups and downs. You rarely have control of when the ups and down come but never forget that you have control of your thinking. Don’t let the downs bring you down. Look forward to the up that is coming. Don’t let the ups slip away. Show your gratitude for the up you […]
Change is Easy
Change is easy when you know what you WANT. Change is easy when you have a purpose, your WHY. Change is easy when you know HOW you will achieve it. The tricky part is identifying what you WANT, WHY you want it, and HOW you will get it. Knowing this requires thinking and study. Not […]
You Reap What You Sow
If you sow bad thoughts, you will reap negative results. If you sow good thoughts, you will reap positive results. For positive change to take place, you must admit that you are the sower of your thoughts. Take control of your thinking, and you will reap the rewards.
Being Leads to Doing
Becoming Thin, Fit, & Healthy requires both being and doing. Don’t just think about what you want to change, become the New You in your mind. Believe with your entire mind, body, and soul that you have changed. Being the New You leads to Doing as the New You, and you will Become the New […]
Nothing will stop you on your weight loss journey once you have your WANT, your WHY, and your HOW fixed in your mind. Think – Act – Become – Thin, Fit, & Healthy