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Melts in your mouth, not in your hand. – M&Ms As My Roller Coaster shows, during any given year I would typically be at my heaviest at or near the end of the calendar year. So, when New Years Day rolled around I would start dieting. (BTW, is it really a resolution if you do […]
Gratituditation = Gratitude + Meditation May your thoughts be always full of gratitude.
Lotsa Gratitude
Show lotsa gratitude today. You know you have lotsa things, lotsa people, lotsa places, lotsa memories, lotsa thoughts, and lotsa ideas you can be grateful for, so be grateful. Be grateful for everything, be grateful continuously, and experience a day filled with lotsa gratitude. Enjoy!
Speak Boldly
What do you WANT? WHY do you want it? If you can’t answer these questions, don’t expect any real and lasting change to take place in your life. On the other hand, if you can answer these questions and you know what you WANT and WHY you want it, Speak Boldly. Speak Boldly of your purpose. […]
Fat Johnny Depp
Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom. – Thomas Jefferson 2003 Johnny Depp has been on top of the world since 2003. He was obviously an extremely successful actor before then but in 2003 Depp introduced the world to Captain Jack Sparrow and his popularity soared. Not only did he have a massive […]
I Am So Grateful Now
I am so grateful now that I am thin, fit, and healthy. – Nomo I say this all of the time. It has become my constant thought. If you want to be thin, fit, and healthy you must achieve it mentally before you can experience it in your life. This is best accomplished when you combine your […]
“You Look Great”
It’s happening, and other people are starting to notice. How should you handle a compliment? I used to cancel them out. “You look great.” – “No, I have 30 pounds to go.” “What have you been doing?” – “Diet and exercise. It has been hard!” “It looks like it is working.” – “Well, I have a long […]