Secret Ingredients
If you were to stop reading about The Recipe for Weight Loss Success now, you would miss out on the most important parts of the recipe.
As any good baker, chef or culinary artist knows, a good recipe is just a starting point. Mixing your own style with a recipe enables you to make something truly unique. What you have learned so far is more than enough to get you started, but you will probably have a limited chance of success. Secret Ingredients are needed to guarantee your success.
Knowing what you WANT is a requirement for weight loss success. So, the first step of the process is to THINK. You must use your mind to determine exactly what you WANT regarding your health and fitness.
It is possible to make changes in your life by just knowing your WANT. However, if you combine your WANT with purpose, the change will be unstoppable.
When you have a deep, sincere, driving purpose behind your WANT, when you have a WHY, the old excuses disappear. You will be justified in your action and motivated to put forth the mental and physical effort required to get what you WANT and make it permanent. You will know WHY you are doing what you are doing.
If your WHY is not strong, if it doesn’t drive and encourage you, your WANT will not be realized. You must know what you WANT and WHY you want it.
The secret ingredient is Purpose.
When you know your WANT and your WHY, it is time to ACT. Taking Effective Action within your day to day life leads to success after success and sets you upon a path that will get you what you WANT.
Working effectively and efficiently is a reward in and of itself. But, when you combine your action with a strong belief in yourself, a confidence will arise and you will feel that you can accomplish anything.
You must have belief in yourself. There must be an underlining belief that encourages you to do day to day tasks to the best of your ability. You must believe you are capable of doing good. You must believe you are capable of achieving what you want. You must believe that you are worthy of success.
If you want something but don’t believe you can achieve it, you will not achieve it. You have got to use your mind to discover beliefs that will encourage and propel you in the direction of your WANT.
The secret ingredient is Belief.
You know what you WANT and WHY you want it. You ACT in an effective manner and have a strong BELIEF in yourself. To BECOME more, you must develop the HOW that will get you from where you are to where you want to be.
Becoming the New You requires more than just the HOW that you develop. You must have FAITH.
Faith in other people. Faith in things that are outside of your control. Faith that if you have a question, you will find the answer. Faith that the universe is on your side. Faith that what you WANT will come to you.
The external results you WANT may not be realized yet, but if you have FAITH that they are coming, they will come. Have FAITH that the change is happening.
You cannot BECOME the New You if you don’t have faith. What is the point in being a better person if you don’t have faith in others or the world you live in? Have faith that you are a gift to the world and that the world needs and wants you.
The secret ingredient is Faith.
The Recipe for Weight Loss Success requires that you know what you WANT. You must know WHY you want it. As you ACT with strong BELIEF and implement your HOW with an unwavering FAITH, you will achieve SUCCESS.
At this point, there is one more ingredient that you must understand to guarantee this success. You must be full of GRATITUDE.
This entire system is based upon a foundation of GRATITUDE. You need to be grateful for every result you have experienced throughout your life.
This may be hard to hear if something bad has happened, or if you have memories of horrible events from your past. But remember, regardless of what happened, you are here. You now know that you can change your life.
When you are grateful for your past, you will be grateful for today. When you are grateful for what you have today, you will be grateful for your future. When you look forward to and are grateful for the future, you will have the future you WANT.
Combine your results, your SUCCESS, with a deep sense of GRATITUDE. Everything is built upon this.
The secret ingredient is Gratitude.
The Secret Ingredient is Love
You BECOME what you THINK about.
To be more specific, your thoughts control your feelings; your feelings control your actions; your actions determine your results.
So, you must be in control of your thinking, your thoughts, if you want to be in control of your life.
The Recipe for Weight Loss Success is an effective way to take control of your thoughts so you can achieve what you WANT concerning your health.
When you know what you WANT and HOW to get it, you may think that all you have to do is take action. It is not that easy. If your purpose, belief, faith, and gratitude are not consistent, you will never get what you want.
Obviously, if you don’t have a purpose, you will never get what you want. Your purpose drives you. It is the wind in your sail.
If you don’t express gratitude for where you are and where you are going, you will never arrive. Gratitude grounds you. It is the appreciation of life.
If your belief and faith are not consistent, you will fail. Having a positive belief in self and faith in others opens you up to unlimited possibilities.
Since your feelings control your actions, feelings of conflict will produce negative results. However, feelings of peace, love, hope, and joy will produce the results you WANT.
When everything is consistent, success is guaranteed.
The secret ingredient is Love.